If You Are Going to Try, Go All the Way — By Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski is undoubtedly one of the best writers. His poems provide a reality check, strength, and guidance to pursue what you truly want in life. One of his poems, which is my favorite, has had a profound impact on me, and I would like to share it with you.
Roll the Dice
if you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.if you’re going to try, go all the
this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs, and
maybe your mind.go all the way.
it could mean not eating for
three or four days.
it could mean freezing on a
park bench.
it could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
mockery, isolation.isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of your
endurance, of how much you
really want to
do it.
and you’ll do it
despite rejection and the
worst odds
and it will be better than
anything else you can imagine.if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the
and the nights will flame with
fire.do it, do it, do it.
do it.all the way
all the way.you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter,
it’s the only good fight
there is.
This poem has the fuel you might have been looking for. In “Roll the Dice,” Charles Bukowski encourages you to pursue what you want in life with full commitment. He emphasizes that once you start, you must go all the way, no matter the sacrifices or hardships you may face.
This poem serves as a powerful reminder to follow your passions and never settle for anything less than your best effort. Bukowski’s words inspire you to embrace the challenges and stay dedicated to your goals, illustrating the strength and resilience needed to achieve true fulfillment.
It is not just a poem; it’s a reminder that has a unique way of igniting passion and determination, urging us all to pursue our dreams wholeheartedly.
Thank you for reading, and I hope this poem resonates with you as deeply as it has with me.
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