Welcome to Stupidity of Aryan Sinha
A bit about me
Hello readers,
My name is Aryan, a 19-year-old still a student but with an insatiable case of wanderlust. I’m that guy who dreams about exploring the world, one breathtaking destination at a time. And here I will be sharing my thoughts, experiences, tips and tricks, and things I personally find interesting.
I’ve got a backpack full of dreams and a heart that yearns to discover new horizons.
To me, traveling means jumping into new cultures, making friends from around the world, learning a new foreign language (Currently I am learning Spanish as I love Latin American culture.), and collecting stories that I would be sharing years later with people I love or writing about them somewhere like here(medium).
I believe that life is meant to be experienced, and the best way to do it is by traveling.
So if you have a craze for traveling like me then make sure to follow me and be ready for travel tips, experiences, ideas, articles about learning a language(Spanish), my thoughts, and things that I personally find interesting.
So thank you for reading it.
Check my latest post✨:-
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